Energy Performance Certificates described

Energy Performance Certificate or EPC brings you an energy efficiency rating and an environmental impact rating of house/flat. Graphically represented lets you easily understand how energy efficient a home is as well as giving you tips how to improve its energy efficiency.

What is an “EPC”:

The Energy Performance Certificate also referred as EPC shows the energy efficiency rating of a building or a property. The Energy Performance Certificate graphically highlights the energy efficiency rating pattern on a scale from A to G. Rating A indicates the most efficient energy performance. In contrast, G stands for the worst energy performance. Besides depicting the energy performance, EPCs also analyses the environmental impact of a building, affected by CO2 emissions.

EPCs furnish important details about Energy Savings options. The money saved could be utilized for other fruitful work. The lesser energy consumption results in lower carbon emissions. In short, EPC helps to save money, store energy and protect environment.

EPC in the European union

The European Union Directive marked the way for EPCs. EPCs came into picture prompted by Kyoto Protocol, aimed to reduce energy consumption and counter carbon dioxide emission. The directive aims to reduce the huge energy consumption. EPCs provide useful information to enhance the energy-efficiency of a property.

The home information pack includes Energy Performance Certificate as ‘required’ document. The inclusion of EPC clearly reflects EU concern for a greener housing market. EPC has facilitated the transaction of a building or home in a speedy and transparent way.

Largely, EPCs have helped both the buyer and the seller. Higher rating indicates better energy efficiency of the building or home, coupled to lower energy consumption and less expenses. Good energy performance rating will prod many buyers. A higher rating homes will surely help buyer in the long run.

European Directive for the Energy Performance of Buildings has asked all the member countries of the European Union to implement EPCs norm. The EPCs have been aimed as a concrete step to lower the energy consumption and the same time to protect the environment, before it gets too late. After the issuance of such directive, the UK government showed swiftness in implementing it. Consequently, the sellers in UK must include EPCs in Home Information Packs.

The sellers willing to sell their property can get EPCs by taking the services of Home Inspectors directly. The other option is to approach Home Inspectors through their agents.

Home Inspectors conducts a complete inquiry by gathering relevant information, before issuing a certificate. In addition, an accredited energy assessor may also issue the EPC only after executing important checks.
